Dr Simon Ghaly

St Vincent's Hospital, NSW

Simon Ghaly is head of the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Service at St. Vincent’s Hospital Sydney and senior lecturer at the School of Medicine, UNSW Sydney. He completed his gastroenterology training at St. George and St. Vincent’s Hospitals before undertaking a clinical and research fellowship in Perth, Western Australia. He completed his PhD examining the role of vitamin D and ultraviolet radiation in altering the gut microbiome and gut mucosal immune responses. His ongoing research interests include understanding the role of vitamin D to gut mucosal immunity, IBD and bone health as well as the role of diet and microbiome in IBD. In addition to investigator-initiated research, Simon is involved with a variety of collaborative research projects nationally and is a principal investigator on a range of sponsored clinical trials.

He is a board member of the GESA IBD Faculty, the GESA research and grants committee and treasurer of the Australian and New Zealand IBD consortium.