Peter Gibson is Professor of Gastroenterology at the Central Clinical School, Monash University, having previously been Professor-Director at Alfred Health, and prior to that, Professor of Medicine at Eastern Health and Head of the Eastern Health Clinical School. From a background of research in epithelial cell biology, he directs a program of translational research with major foci being in inflammatory bowel disease, coeliac disease and irritable bowel syndrome. Major focus of his work include the use of non-pharmacological therapy to control gut symptoms and influence outcomes in chronic intestinal conditions, and the optimisation of clinical management in inflammatory bowel disease. Examples of his team’s contribution include the development and evaluation of the Monash University FODMAP diet that has changed paradigms of therapy for people with irritable bowel syndrome across the world and bringing reality into the role of gluten in gut conditions (other than in coeliac disease).
He is a Past-President of the Gastroenterological Society of Australia and was the founder and inaugural Chair of IBD-Australia. His team have won many prestigious awards including Ten-of-the-Best in 2016 by the National Health & Medical Research Council and the Vice Chancellor’s Award Excellence in Research Impact (Economic and Social Impact) in 2016. He has personally received many awards that include the Distinguished Research Prize by the Gastroenterological Society of Australia in 2010 and the Web of Science Highly Cited Researchers Awards in 2020, 2021 and 2022.